Uninstall SEB
If SEB causes problems it is sometimes best to fully uninstall it.
First go to Settings → Apps → Apps & Features and search for Safe Exam Browser. Then uninstall it.
After this, there might still be some SEB files left on your pc. Check the locations below.
The folder AppData is hidden, you have to either unhide hidden files and folders or enter the location directly into the file explorer.
In this locations delete the folder "SafeExamBrowser". The folder might not be present in every folder, so just delete the ones you find.
Safe Exam Browser is now fully uninstalled. You can now download the installation file and re-install SEB.
Open Finder and go to Applications. Then move Safe Exam Browser to the bin or right click on it and "move to bin".
After this, there might still be some SEB files left on your pc. Check the locations below.
The folder Library is hidden, you have to either unhide hidden files and folders or enter the location directly into the file explorer (Finder → Go → Go to Folder).
/Users/YOURUSERNAME/Library/Application Support/
In this locations delete the folder "SafeExamBrowser". The folder might not be present in every folder, so just delete the ones you find.
Safe Exam Browser is now fully uninstalled. You can now download the installation file and re-install SEB.