Installation Windows

  1. Download the Safe Exam Browser for Windows. Make sure you download the correct version. You can find the correct version and the link for the download at

  2. Open the downloaded file in your downloads.

  3. Tick the box "I agree to the license terms and conditions" and press "Install".


  4. The Safe Exam Browser is being installed.


  5. Once the Safe Exam Browser is installed, the following is being displayed:


  6. Close the installation window and search for "Safe Exam Browser" in your search function at the bottom left. If you can find SEB then it was installed correctly.



You cannot start the SEB without a configuration. In order to test the installation, a valid configuration file is needed. This configuration file will be given to you by the exam team. That means, you always open the SEB via a link provided to you and you never open the installation.

Since the set-up depends on your operating system as well as the learning management system the exam is written on, please follow the respective chapter:

If you have problems installing the application, please follow the steps here.